"Beauty is the sensation of pleasure on the mind of the seer." – Robert Henri
I have long been interested in exploring the relationship of perception, emotion and spirit, and how these are filtered through our human connections and experiences to be distilled into creative activity. Artist/theorist Max Bill believed that "art is the medium that makes thought visible." As a result, I have learned to not only look outward as I paint, but to also look inwardly at the mind/heart processes as the idea is expressed in line and color and texture.
It is a fascinating journey from the beginning of the thread of discovery to a not-yet-determined conclusion. The traveling is the important thing... and not the product. Art is not a thing but an act... an act of passion. Creation is a verb... you must be in motion for it to happen. I hope that through my work, it will be evident to the viewer what my life has been, what it is, and, in the end, the prediction of where I am going. Please join me on that journey!
Joan Mason